Clean and Untouched
In preparing for our trip to Oman, we searched the web to filter and highlight the opportunities for our adventure. We had rented a Land
Not sure if we’ll bother seeing any others in the Middle East.
In preparing for our trip to Oman, we searched the web to filter and highlight the opportunities for our adventure. We had rented a Land
Before the clock strikes seven, the sounds of goats bleating, auctioneers shouting and buyers haggling fill the air, as they have on Friday mornings in
“Where is that?” “Why are you going there?” “Why would you go to the Middle East now?” This is what Spice and I were asked
“For how long will you continue to listen to those dark shouters, caution and prudence? Fall in! Fall in!”Mary Oliver It was mid morning but
After a 63-day-round-the-world trip to Oman, Bhutan and New Zealand, the question most everyone asks us is, “What did you like best?” While it feels unfaithful to choose just one when each of these unique countries surpassed our (high) expectations, here’s the long answer to why Oman’s Empty Quarter won the lottery.
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