Otherworldly Sun alights her figure of hematite, Apart and above in her regal stance Her gown of ruffles chalky pink; her legs Trapped for sixty
As jubilados (Spanish for retirees) we’re fans of Leonard Cohen who wrote: “Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.”
Otherworldly Sun alights her figure of hematite, Apart and above in her regal stance Her gown of ruffles chalky pink; her legs Trapped for sixty
Spice, Clare and Lynn enroute to Helen Lake, Banff National Park with Dolomite Peak in the background.
Upright. Straight.The walls of our long, narrow, countrytunnel north to southwhitened by Pacific wavesand the Snowy Andes—the wall we share with you,our neighbour.Your chest curves,colours
Trevor and Richelle, October 15, 2015, Pyramid Island, Jasper Fall Wedding By Spice It is bright autumn now. The trees still lightly tinged with gold.
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