Hike #1 to Tudes: Leave Your Lunch at Home
One of the joys of hiking in Europe compared to most anywhere else in the world is the reward of eating lunch at a restaurant
Restaurants worth their salt.
One of the joys of hiking in Europe compared to most anywhere else in the world is the reward of eating lunch at a restaurant
I knew that Sunday, as we parked the car overlooking a hay field in the lush green of the Basque countryside and walked by a
Years ago when people thought only les vins français were worth drinking, our neighbour Jim started a little company importing wine from Spain and Portugal.
“Did you like Milford Sound?” That’s the first question you’ll be asked when you tell people you were on the South Island of New Zealand
If you think of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSE) as a staircase, imagine it now only half as wide—the new “Liddle” Staircase-Escalante National Monument.
“It’s hidden under this vase,” said the young man, pulling out the house key. “A typical Portuguese hiding place,” he laughed. “Good thing we’re sharing
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