Postcard #9 from Costa Rica: Leafcutter Ants
If a congress of naturalists were to gather to choose the seven wonders of the animal world, they would be compelled to include the bizarre
If a congress of naturalists were to gather to choose the seven wonders of the animal world, they would be compelled to include the bizarre
I’ve had a love affair for years before I met Magellan. With grapefruit. Every year since I first made it in 2017, “Grapefruit and Campari
Zucchini. Zoo-keen-knee. What a disconnect between its name, free-spirited and lyrical, and the vegetable, ubiquitous and obese, tasteless and dull. (I cringe at the uppityness
August, is that you again? Seven years ago on August 2, Magellan and I launched Latitude 65. For 362 Sundays around 6 a.m., we press
In their Christmas letter twenty years ago, Fred and Sheila raved about a hiking holiday at Purcell Mountain Lodge. On our list of places-we-must-go it
Or more appropriately, “Do I see what you see?” Probably not. And what your camera sees is something else.
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