Nagoro’s Dolls of the Dead and Departed
“Eek-y-guy” What? “Eek-y-guy” is how you pronounce the Japanese word ikigai, which means having a sense of purpose. For the Japanese jubilado Tsukimi Ayano, making
“Eek-y-guy” What? “Eek-y-guy” is how you pronounce the Japanese word ikigai, which means having a sense of purpose. For the Japanese jubilado Tsukimi Ayano, making
Spice, Clare and Lynn enroute to Helen Lake, Banff National Park with Dolomite Peak in the background.
The poet and filmmaker Odveig Klyve for several decades has lived in Stavanger, an inspiring seaport city. We especially liked the whale-bone-white of wooden shops
An old Mexican proverb says, El amor entra por los ojos, “Love comes through the eyes.” Is this what life could be, wakening to the high-altitude light
I thought nothing of it. The menu looked incredible, yet all I felt like ordering was tomato soup and mint tea. “Are you okay?” Magellan
Wrong Turns Kansai Airport to Mountain-Top Koyasan weary of tunnels,in the Fukuchiin Templewe sleep near the monks Koyasan’s Okunoin, Japan’s Largest Cemetery graveyard night tourFukuchiin
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