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It was just past noon when we arrived at EcoCamp in Patagonia, too late for a major day hike. “Relax for a bit, then come
It was just past noon when we arrived at EcoCamp in Patagonia, too late for a major day hike. “Relax for a bit, then come
Can you guess this riddle, Riddle 69 from The Exeter Book? “On the way a miracle: water becomes bone?” Finding the miracle where water has
The last time we visited our mothers was in April. The long, Saskatchewan winter stalled out for the week we were there. Flocks of geese
It isn’t often we misjudge a hiking trail and give up on it. And we certainly didn’t expect that on Dronningruta, a hike Queen Sonja of Norway
Wrong Turns Kansai Airport to Mountain-Top Koyasan weary of tunnels,in the Fukuchiin Templewe sleep near the monks Koyasan’s Okunoin, Japan’s Largest Cemetery graveyard night tourFukuchiin
In his book NZ Frenzy, Scott Cook starts off his discussion of Paturau (Pah-too-rau) Beach with these words: “Oh my god, no way, oh wow,
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