What’s to LoVe?
Today’s post is dedicated to the letter V. V for Valentine’s Day. Virus. Variants. Vaccinations. (And maybe, in a year or three, Vacations.) Scientists say
Today’s post is dedicated to the letter V. V for Valentine’s Day. Virus. Variants. Vaccinations. (And maybe, in a year or three, Vacations.) Scientists say
For our round-the-world adventure tour, we wanted to “BE PREPARED,” a motto I learned as a Boy Scout years ago. It’s a good idea for
Has the New Year ever been so welcome? We can’t wait for the next decade, for 2021, for surely, surely, the world’s fortunes will be better,
One of the unfortunate disappointments of COVID–19 has been the cancellation of a party of a dear friend. For two years George Taylor has been
Something you notice in Iceland: while it’s grassy green, there are few trees. When the first Nordic settlers arrived in 874 A.D., they noticed the
We saved the most spectacular hike for the last. By accident. While Horseshoe Canyon is an annex of Utah’s Canyonlands National Park, it would have
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